Our Commitment
We are committed to helping farmers with natural and cost-effective nutritional solutions to improve animal health performance.

The DairyCare Difference

A unique technology derived from combining nutritional ingredients in Aloe vera and Manuka honey with proven antibacterial and antioxidant properties to optimize animal health and performance.
We are confident that you will get excellent results and offer this unique money-back guarantee. Try Cow & Calf for 90 days, you have nothing to loose!
Cow & Calf Formula
A unique technology derived from combining nutritional ingredients in Aloe vera and Manuka honey with proven antibacterial and antioxidant properties to optimize animal health and performance.
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DairyCare Cow & Calf Formula Works!
We are all skeptics when it comes to new products and especially so-called natural miracle cures. I dosed High Cell count cows three times over 10 days and I was amazed at the results, DairyCare Cow & Calf Formula works.
Dairy Farmer, Te Aroha
Mastitis 100% Gone
I’ve been using (DairyCare Cow and Calf Formula) for 3 – 4 years and mastitis in the spring, especially last year, was 70% less than what it was 3 years ago. The only thing different was the Cow and Calf Formula. I still get the odd cow but, one or maybe two tubes (of product), and she is cleared up.
David Coulter
Dairy Farmer, Tirau
Dargaville Vets Low SCC Competition
The herd of around 200 came with the farm, and are a mixture of Friesians, Jerseys and crossbreeds, and the existing SSC counts were at 250,000 at the start. These days, thanks to daily doses of DairyCare Cow and Calf Formula over the last two seasons, it is down to an average of 59,000.
Karey & John Pullman
Dairy Farmer, Dargaville