Scours cured!

We would like to inform you of our experiences with your product ‘Dairy Care Aloe Vera’. We used Aloe Vera as a mild cases of scours and found it very successful, but had a very bad case of scours in one calf so we treated it with a veterinary recommended 4 day treatment. By the… Continue reading Scours cured!

Mastitis 100% Gone

I’ve been using [DairyCare Cow and Calf Formula] for 3 – 4 years and mastitis in the spring, especially last year, was 70% less than what it was 3 years ago. The only thing different was the Cow and Calf Formula. I still get the odd cow but, one or maybe two tubes (of product),… Continue reading Mastitis 100% Gone

DairyCare Cow & Calf Formula Works!

Calves given Cow & Calf Formula are healthy

We are all skeptics when it comes to new products and especially so-called natural miracle cures. I dosed High Cell count cows three times over 10 days and I was amazed at the results, DairyCare Cow & Calf Formula works. Jackson Dairy Farmer, Te Aroha