Changes to intensive winter grazing regulations

The May changes to the rules managing winter grazing has been pushed to start in November. These changes were announced by Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor and Environment Minister David Parker in April. The amendments in the winter grazing regulations cover a few areas: Replacing a set date for grazed annual forage crop paddocks to be… Continue reading Changes to intensive winter grazing regulations

4.7% milk increase with Cow and Calf Formula

A New Zealand study conducted by AgResearch proved a 4.7%milk yield increase with Cow and Calf Formula.DairyCare’s aloe vera and manuka honey commercial feedsupplement (Cow and Calf Formula) was fed to approximately 40%of a commercial New Zealand herd which had 1000 cows fromspring calving (August) to the end of lactations (the following April).The supplement was… Continue reading 4.7% milk increase with Cow and Calf Formula

Healthy Cow Hours Increased

Cow & Calf Formula Cow & Calf is a scientifically tested feed supplement that helps to build a strong immune system, which will reduce infection and SCC. A healthy cow will produce more milk. Regular dosing each cow will increase milk production by at least 4% on average. Call 0800820830 or order on line